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Contemporary International Problems - INR 3081

This class explores world and regional issues in contemporary politics. The instructors for this class were Senator Marco Rubio and Prof. Dario Moreno. The topics of this class provided me with a global perspective with current topics affecting the world in political, economic, and social aspects. 

US Flag

Religion: Analysis & Interpretation - REL 2011

This class completed my Global Learning foundational requirement. In this class, I learned the origins and beliefs of the major religious groups and affilitiation around the world. We discussed the global impact of religion and its effects. 

Image by Patrick Fore

Environmental Science & Sustainability - EVR 1001

This class provided me with a general perspective of the effects of human industralization and the environment. The class discussed the effects of environmental changes and the importance to promote sustainability in our households and communities. 

Trees From Above

IDH 3034/3035: Interdisciplinary Honors

Building a Foundation to Thrive in the Legal Profession is one of the two honors classes that I took at FIU. The class explored the basic foundations of law and main topics addressed in the major law schools of the country. We did multiple site-visits to law firms, received guest speakers, and conducted activities in the fields of property, civil, criminal, and torts law. 

Justice Scale

Intercultural Communications - COM 3461

This class compared and analyzed the communicative approaches of all the different cultures around the world. The experience was extremely eye-openning since it taught me to be more open to other cultures and beliefs. This approach helped me when I traveled to different parts of the world with a diverse background of customs and cultures. 

Image by Ashes Sitoula


Diplomacy Lab is an innitiative from the Department of State to provide students with the opportunity of research complex topics in current U.S. foreign policy. In my case, I conducted my research in Australia and Latin America. This class gave me the opportunity to learn from scholars and leaders in these fields from different political, economic, religious, and social problems around the world. 

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